Spark for Sparkle 因志而行 Aspiration to Action 因愿而动
课程名称 | 大学英语1 (综合) | 授课专业和班级 | 视觉传达23A1-A2、产品设计23A1 | |
授课内容 | Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams 勇于追梦 | 授课学时 | 2(90分钟) | |
教学目标 | 基于输入为基础,输出为驱动的教学策略,构建以“视”为主的导入部分,以“读”为主的训练部分,以“说”为主的拓展部分,促进师生间和学生间的交流,培养学生的合作意识和能力,渗透情感过滤,提高学生的文本解读能力和言语交际能力。单元教学目标如下:
& cultural confidence (文化自信). | |||
教学重点 | 如何让学生在了解西方文化的同时坚定社会主义理想信念和文化自信,从而实现大学英语课程全程育人、全方位育人?How to combine the love of the family and the love of the country in ideological and political education? How to integrate Chinese dream into individual development? 如何引导学生认识到美国梦和中国梦的异同?The similarities and differences between American Dream and Chinese Dream. 中国梦这一术语的英文翻译:China Dream vs. Chinese Dream. 引导学生如何进行批判思维、学术探讨和语料库入门。 | |||
教学方法 | 翻转课堂&对分课堂
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教学过程 |
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作业 | 梦想是燧,擦出星星之火;梦想是火,点燃领航之灯;梦想是灯,照亮前行之路;梦想是路,通向成功之门。我的梦是中国梦,中国梦是我们每个人的梦。请你以“梦想”为主题,用英语写一篇文章。 要求:1. 题目自拟,题材不限;2. 紧扣主题,内容健康向上,表达准确,行文连贯;3. 不少于300字。 | |||
辅助手段 | Multimedia ; Internet plus videos ; MOOC; MOODLE | |||
教学内容 | ||||
I. Warm-up activities Step 1: Visual, Vocal& Verbal 视听说
Step 2: Question & Answer
A desk is a table, often with drawers, to which people sit to study or work. A dream is a belief, often with destination and determination, with whichI fight the way to be a top dog.
引导考生用英语讲出学业规划(考研、出国)和职业规划(公务员、国企、合资、私企、创业等) | ||||
II. Understanding the text 1. Analyze the structure of the passage. 2. Introduce the main idea of the Text 1. Explain and illustrate the background and language points in the text. 3. Lead discussions among students on the text and the topic of the pursuit of dreams. | ||||
III. Usage of new words and expressions of the text 1.infection:a disease that affects a particular part of one’s body and is caused by bacteria or virus 传染,感染 e.g. Breast milk can help protect babies against infection. 母乳能使婴儿免遭感染。保险 e.g. They provide free insurance against loss or damage to property up to $10,000. 他们为财产损失提供高达1万美元的免费保险。 3.over time久而久之,随着时间的推移 e.g. Language changes over time because of its speakers change. 语言是随着时间的推移而变化的,因为语言使用者的需求在变。 4.hook:succeed in making sb interested in sth or attracted to sth 吸引,引起兴趣 e.g. The novel hooked me on the very first page. Once I got my hands on it, I couldn’t put it down. 自翻开这部小说起我就被深深的吸引了,我对它爱不释手。 5. challenge: sth that tests strength, skill, or ability挑战 e.g. He is brave enough to take on the challenge of bringing back success to our football team. 他勇气可嘉,接受了带领球队重返足坛巅峰的挑战。 6. predict: say sth will happen, before it happens 预测 e.g. Industry leaders predict that another 8,000 jobs could be lost in this city by the end of this year. 业界领导者预测截至今年年底这座城市将减少8000个工作岗位。 7. how about: used to make a suggestion about what to do(做某事)怎么样how about+doing e.g. How about teaching me to play piano? 教我弹钢琴如何啊? 8. tutor: give private lessons to (sb)任家庭教师教(某人),辅导 e.g. During my illness my classmates took turns to tutor me for hours after school. 在我生病期间我的同学放学之后轮流来给我辅导功课。 9.take over: become dominant变成主要的,取而代之 e.g. We human beings are afraid of a lot of things. We often let fear take over because we believe that something bad is going to happen, even when we don’t have evidence that it will. 人害怕很多事。往往我们让恐惧占据我们的内心是因为我们认为不好的事情即将发生,有时候甚至没有任何征兆它将要发生。 10. show up: make appearance; arrive 露面,出现 e.g. What gets me angry is those people who show up 10 or 20 minutes late for a meeting, and don’t apologize. 令我感到愤怒的是,那些人来开会迟到一二十分钟不说,还没有一丝歉意。 11. sympathy: the feeling of being sorry for sb. who is in a bad situation 同情 e.g. I went along to my friend’s funeral in order to offer my sympathies to his wife and family. 我去了朋友的葬礼,向他的妻子及家人表示同情。 12.come to life: become active 活跃起来 e.g. About midnight, the party really came to life when the comedian arrived. 午夜,喜剧演员的到来将这场聚会推向了高潮。 13. creativity 创造性,创造力 e.g. These exercises encourage creativity in the use of language. 这些练习鼓励人们在使用语言时发挥自己的创造力。 14. elementary: concerning the first and easiest part of a subject; basic 初级的 e.g. Children in my country receive elementary education from the ages of about five to eleven. 在我国,儿童接受基础教育的年龄段是5至11周岁。 15. motivation: eagerness and willingness to do sth without needing to be told or forced to do it 动力 e.g. These methods can help increase students’ motivation and interest. 这些方法能够增强学生的学习动机和兴趣。 16.believe in: think sb is good and will achieve good things 相信 e.g. She used to say she didn’t believe in marriage. 她常说自己不相信婚姻。 big on sth: like sth very much 热衷于 e.g. He is really big on computer games, spending large sums of money on new gaming systems and software. 他酷爱玩电脑游戏,花了大量的钱去购买新的游戏系统和软件。 use a lot of time and effort trying to get (sth such as work or money) 追寻 e.g. I never know what to say when I learn that someone has quit jobs to chase dreams. 当得知有人为了追寻梦想而放弃了工作时我都不知道要说些什么了。 19. why not: used to make a suggestion 为什么不 e.g. Why not come to see me in the office this afternoon? How about two o’clock? 为什么不下午来我办公室见一面呢?下午两点怎么样? | ||||
IV. Detail understanding and difficult sentences translation
这里的drop to是“降至…”而非“下降了…”,因此,这句话的意思是: Gradually I lost more of my hearing until I was 80 percent deaf, as I currently remain. 渐渐地,我剩下的听力降至百分之二十,也就是现在的情况。 2. After doing that for a few weeks, I was hooked. I became really interested in doing that after a few weeks. 几个星期下来,我找了迷。 3. It was reassurance that they were giving me jobs because I was good, not out of sympathy. 这里out of…是“出于…”的意思,因此,这句话的意思是: Their attitude encouraged me as it showed they gave me jobs because they valued my skills, not because they felt sorry for me. 我确信他们给我这份工作是因为我的能力,而非出于对我的同情。 4. I’m visually hearing the music. 在前文中提过,作者通过电脑软件将音乐用各种颜色在电脑上标注,所以他靠眼睛分辨音乐。因此,这句话的意思是:我是靠眼睛来“听”音乐的。 5. Music is not all about hearing. Music benefits from the use of senses other than hearing. 做音乐靠的不完全是听力。 6. I’m big on talking to the parents. I love and really enjoy talking to the parents. 我特别喜欢跟家长交谈。 | ||||
V. Writing Skills Introduction 大学英语作文之结构优先,词汇次之,修辞辅之,情感暖之;Extensive reading makes intensive writing; elegant reading makes eloquent writing. 好的英语是读出来的。 经典结构模仿: “Think and dream big”Steve Jobs said, indicating / revealing that always look up at the stars not down at your feet, which inspires me to give 110% to CET. 导入万里办学理念:只要有1%的希望,就要尽100%的努力。然后让学生替换划线部分进行仿写练习。 | ||||
VI: Translation Practice 中国梦(Chinese Dream)是中国的一个新名词。人们已经开始期待一个“梦想的国度”。因此,在中国人民的意识中,中国梦将会取代美国梦。期待“梦想国度”的中国人现在要放眼全世界。改革开放使中国发展的梦想变为现实。中国已经进入了一个新时代,在这个时代出生的每一个中国人都应该为他们的好运而感到髙兴。 | ||||
VII:思政导入(IPEI) 近日,习近平总书记向广大青年发出了“敢于有梦、勇于追梦、勤于圆梦”的奋斗号令。今天的青年一代是站在新时代的青年,是新时代的筑梦人。敢于有梦,以青春之我、奋斗之我,为个人发展铺路架桥,为祖国建设添砖加瓦;勇于追梦 树立远大理想,坚定理想信念,不断朝着梦想拼搏,一路斩荆披棘;勤于圆梦 要拿出真功夫去努力,打铁还需自身硬,只有不断提高自身本领,磨砺自身,才能离梦想更进一步。 Dare to dream.
只要有百分之一的希望,就要尽百分之百的努力 | ||||
教学反思 | ||||
教师如何站好三尺讲台,将“思政味儿”融入知识传授的外语课教学中,是一门科学的艺术。要放开语言知识这只“看得见的手”,用好语言能力这只“看不见的手”,通过有意义的任务,促进学生语言水平的提升;要把学生“扶上马,送一程”,鼓励学生“爬坡过坎”;要针对千禧一代对新生事物充满激情和热情的特点,选取 “苟日新,日日新,又日新”的文本素材,一方面,需要平衡学科的教学要求,另一方面,也不能忽视学生的阅读需求。“道可道,非常道”,教学之道在于哪里呢?在中国有授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。在国外有杜威的“做中学”,崇尚探究式科学教育。其实,无论是什么风格,归根结底,英语教学越来越趋向于多样化发展,它已成为跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的一种交际活动。课堂教学不仅仅是两种语言之间的转换,更是不同社会之间的文化交流。在我看来,教学之道在于一个“化”字,引导学生进入“化境”,精通东西,无问西东。 万里学子:敢于有梦,勇于追梦,勤于圆梦。 | ||||
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使用的教学资源 | ||||
Supplementary Reading(补充阅读): Read the following passage adapted form Chinadaily and fill in the blanks and translate the Chinese sayings into English.
Poor kid successfully fights way to top university
A student from a poor family in Hebei province, who scored high on college 1. _______ (enter) exams and was admitted to one of the country’s top universities, has refused all financial aid (经济援助) that flooded in after his situation was 2. _______ (report) by media.
Pang Zhongwang(庞众望), 18, a high school graduate in Cangzhou, 3. ______ (score) 684 out of 750 points on China’s national college entrance examination. He has been 4. ______ (admit) to Tsinghua University and is 5. ______ (expect) to receive the school’s letter of admission (录取通知书) around Monday, according to Fan Hongqi, vice-president of Wuqiao High School where Pang 6. _______ (graduate).
“Before I came to visit his home three years ago, nobody knew his family faced so many difficulties,” said Li Ying, one of Pang's teachers. His father(庞向东), who is born with mental 7. _____ (疾病), can only do simple manual work, while his (庞志芹) mother’slower limbs are disabled and she must be taken care of by his grandparents. “You can’t see one piece of decent (像样的) furniture or appliance(家电)at his home,” said a reporter surnamed Zhou with a local newspaper who visited Pang's family on Thursday. “It’s hard to imagine that 8. _____ (such /so) an excellent boy grew up in such a difficult situation, for which he 9. ________ (definite) deserved special bonus scores,” Zhou said.
The bonus scores Zhou 10. ________ (mention) were 60 points, provided by Tsinghua University, which has a special program for 11. ______ (outstand) students from rural areas. Under the program, Pang can be enrolled at a score 60 points lower than a normal enrollment line. “Even 12. _______ (with) the bonus, his score ranks first in Cangzhou, which has about 30,000 graduates this year,” Li said.
Zhou was lucky to have met him, because Pang is occupied with (忙于)teaching physics classes as a part-time job during his summer vacation, 13. ____ (strive) to earn the tuition fees (学费)for his first semester at Tsinghua.
“My classes are full, and I don't want to be 14. _____ (disturb) or reported on by media,” Pang was quoted as saying.
According to Li, Pang has refused all 15. ________ (finance) aid from people or social institutions who wanted to lend a hand.
“The most difficult time for me and my family has passed and I think I can live 16. ______ my own right now,” Pang said, adding that his school and many warmhearted people have helped him a lot during his three years in high school. The attitude of Pang 17._______difficulties puts the saying 18."__________________________________(有志者,事竟成)" into practice.
He was born 19.____ heart trouble. Though he recovered after a surgery, Pang felt sorry because the surgery put his already-poor family into greater debt. Since then, he started to pick up waste materials along roads after school every day and sold them to 20. _____ money.
21. “__________________________________________(他性格刚毅,为人乐观),” Li said
1. entrance 2. reported 3. scored 4. admitted 5. expected
6. graduated7. disease 8. such 9. definitely 10. mentioned
11. outstanding 12. without13. striving 14. disturbed 15. financial
16. on 17. toward 18. Where there is a will there is a way.19. with
20. earn / make 21. He is very optimistic with a strong personality
露它一小手 Translate Chinese couplets into English
横批:寒门学子不负众望: __________________.
横批:寒门学子不负众望: Poor kid delivers the goods.
上联:有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;Where there is a will, there is a way.
下联:苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。God help those who help themselves.
Remain True to Our Original Aspiration 不忘初心 Keep Our Mission Firmly in Mind 牢记使命